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It Starts With Us
Volunteers: The Heart of 4-H
Simply put, Kentucky’s 4-H program wouldn’t exist without its thousands of volunteers. In every part of the state, 4-H volunteers coordinate 4-H community clubs, lead 4-H projects, and help to plan and conduct local, regional, state, and national 4-H events.
People volunteer in many different ways depending on their interests, their skills, and the time they can devote to 4-H.
As a 4-H volunteer you might...
Help 4-Hers develop life skills by leading a 4-H project in a subject area that excites you—forestry, fishing, fashion, foods, farm animals, and many more project specialties. Contact your county extension office for local opportunities.
Teach workshops at a summer camp or special event for youths or military families. Share your favorite hobby or skill.
Judge at the county fair or at livestock events. If you have expertise in a 4-H project area and would like to be considered as a judge, please contact your county extenson office.
Manage a 4-H community club. Schedule club meetings, train club officers, recruit parents to help out, be the communication link between your club and the extension office. Contact your county extension office for local opportunities.
Be an Operation: Military Kids volunteer. Work with local youth groups to plan fun and educational opportunities for youths from military families. Help with family camps. Learn more.
Host visiting 4-Hers or their chaperones in your home for a month-long summer stay or for yearlong school exchanges. Learn more.
Help with 4-H fundraising. Contact your county extension office or Kentucky 4-H Foundation to learn more.
Teach horse projects or work at horse events or contests. Contact your county extension office for local opportunities.
Become a certified shooting sports instructor.
And much more.
How Do I Get Started?
Stop by the Warren County Extension Office at 5162 Russellville Road, Bowling Green and fill out a volunteer application and background check form. We would love to have your help with the 4-H Program!
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