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Join date: Jun 28, 2022


Can Migraines Affect Vision Long Term

In addition to the flickering blind spot, other migraine symptoms include: A colorful light ring that is wavy or zigzag and surrounds a central blind spot. A blind spot that slowly migrates across your field of vision. A migraine lasting between 4 and 42. Long-Term Symptoms of Migraine. There is no cure for migraine, which means most with the disease will experience persistent, lifelong symptoms as part of their regular attacks.

There can be dozens of migraine symptoms,. The symptoms of retinal migraine may include: partial or total loss of vision in 1 eye – this usually lasts 10 to 20 minutes before vision gradually returns headache – this may happen before, during or after the vision attack It's unusual for an episode of vision loss to last longer than an hour.

Can Migraines Affect Vision Long Term - Discount Place

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